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Live Zoom Sessions
First Section
Your First Horse (48:04)
Confidence vs Concentration (81:08)
Confidence in 5 steps (85:29)
Dreams and Goals (115:04)
Horse Psychology (105:35)
December lecture (105:35)
The Training Cycle (87:24)
Horse Psychology lesson (51:44)
Break it to fix it (70:36)
Energy Attention Ratio (79:51)
Don't Ride Until.... (84:58)
Windows of Opportunity (100:40)
Rachel's fun supportive call (75:40)
Building your personal Confidence (88:08)
Dealing with Negativity (75:37)
Fixing the Canter (86:52)
How to read confusion in a horse (108:18)
7 levels of understanding (64:30)
May Q and A (65:17)
Fear or Discomfort (58:52)
Some tool management (97:21)
Coordination exercise (80:27)
Why names matter (81:29)
Trauma Bonding
Faith in Yourself (113:15)
Meet the Mustang (83:32)
Advanced Vs Novice (72:37)
Flying Lead Changes (51:50)
Eating Grass (67:04)
Come to Jesus Meetings (72:33)
Disrespectful horses (58:32)
3 stages of learning (69:16)
One, Two, We Can Do... Three, Four, Not Any More (89:27)
8 Measures of Progress (73:54)
Diminishing Warmup (76:29)
Scoring the Response (97:02)
Learned Helplessness (69:22)
Barn Drama (70:04)
Read the signs for bucking (56:29)
Negative Feedback (87:05)
Trail Riding Support (84:27)
Trail Riding in a Group (74:44)
Liberty Basics (72:09)
Lynn the Dolphin Trianer (74:58)
Lynn's Review Day (73:34)
What makes a great Rider? (88:01)
Levels of Mastery (78:49)
Glenn Stewart Lesson (46:22)
Glenn Stewart Lesson Part 2 (46:11)
Review from Glenn's Interview (90:02)
Progress past day 1 (92:33)
Ear Pinning (51:36)
Time Capsule (88:36)
David Lichman (87:37)
Boost your Confidence (64:49)
Trailer loading help (75:44)
How to stay Motivated (73:43)
How to Stay Postive (93:49)
Mapping the Canter (86:15)
Meet Melissa Galagher (93:23)
Melissa's Lesson Dressage Review (40:26)
Dressage Review part 2 (57:20)
The importance of Balance (90:29)
Liberty with Inga Larsson and two horses (113:37)
Rider Biomechanics (15:18)
Review with Inga (87:25)
Attention Please! (103:11)
Post Ride Priorities (64:19)
How a horse reads you (80:37)
Power of Position (82:42)
Baby training day (69:19)
First Day Flexion with Freedom (49:13)
Meet Micheal Grohman (84:17)
Review with Michael Grohman (52:48)
Discomfort vs Fear (54:32)
Live Canter Lesson (66:09)
5 Types of Alignment (60:55)
Total Confidence Checklist (53:19)
Cantering Freedom (62:33)
Freedom, week 2 (54:34)
Mustang Tarp Work (81:59)
Mustang, extra desensitization with the tarp (72:39)
Freedom, Ride without saddle (69:35)
Ears back solutions (60:57)
Mustang Problems (61:32)
Lateral Maneuvers (78:43)
Ashley Lawrence and the Alligators (127:11)
Foundation Training (88:14)
6 Canter Issues Resolved (116:25)
When to be firm (61:52)
9 Steps to better relationships (56:15)
Winter Weather Fun (56:05)
Make a game of everything (58:32)
Acronyms to remember (54:17)
Liberty Follow Me (65:54)
Vision Board (60:50)
Meet the sharks (literally) (73:14)
Limiting Beliefs (85:26)
Forward is back (60:26)
Favorite Horse Breeds (71:13)
Show Jumper Norra Harris (94:14)
Review Norra Harris (74:00)
Sharpen the saw plus signal training (72:24)
Grace at the mounting block (62:48)
All about treats (19:51)
34 steps to foundation riding (63:25)
5 on 5 off (53:46)
8 types of progress (82:25)
Meet Carman Zuloff (92:12)
Review Carmen Zuloff (57:25)
Hierarchy of Needs (61:58)
Vertical Flexion (53:25)
Collection and flexion lesson 2 (43:10)
Flexion and Collection day 3 (68:56)
Flexion Lesson Trotting (82:31)
Flexion lesson Cantering (64:54)
Lessons on leading (61:43)
Canter Fitness Day (48:11)
One and done (52:30)
Slow zone and square stop (64:08)
Haunches In (58:38)
First ride on Star (74:43)
Lots more Videos
Kristi Smith and Energy with Horses (71:41)
Recap plus info on flying changes (70:07)
Artist style in horsemanship (44:20)
Fairland and Cavallia (100:58)
get a slow canter (69:00)
Relaxation in new places (64:54)
Insecurities and self confidence (55:23)
Rainy day plan (50:19)
Your first horse (48:04)
Rachel's Story and Yours Too (45:13)
Rachel's Goal Setting (32:14)
Vision board 2022 (51:37)
Words matter more than you think (62:39)
Building Trust (72:29)
Is riding ethical (35:33)
Heavy Hands makes heavy horses (60:25)
Interview with Mel Flemming (86:18)
How to make a training plan (68:21)
Self Carriage and Biomechanics (64:13)
The Spiritual Side of Horsemanship (55:44)
Accept and move forward (70:17)
Blackberry's emotional injury (43:10)
Checking in (45:41)
Emotion and energy (50:26)
Trouble at the gate (80:46)
Bran New Horse Experience (63:30)
Marios first ride (77:05)
Toni and Franzi from Germany (84:48)
Change the Horse Industry (63:48)
The 4 c's (62:08)
Fly Spray (63:19)
Flapping Turtle (48:22)
Voice Cues (67:39)
Stiff Trot (66:06)
This is your time (88:51)
Don't ride a hungry horse (50:39)
Feel (73:58)
Standing for Farrier and More (31:34)
More than trailer loading, it's about riding too (62:26)
Rope Tricks (32:36)
Liberty, making the right expression (51:47)
Trimming and Positioning (74:44)
Blackberry learning to trot (48:33)
Access the Canter (39:20)
Blackberry's Canter (67:48)
Trail Riding Tips (70:04)
First Canter Riding Blackberry (63:52)
Refine your cues (72:32)
Catch up and Connection (35:56)
Spanish Walk (48:46)
Training vs Managing (34:52)
how to ride in open spaces (56:27)
How horses see (37:39)
Speeds within the gait (43:32)
bad behavior linked to lameness (71:50)
What is Connection (58:03)
Trail Riding Map (51:19)
Bad weather days and what to do (64:55)
Lesson on footfalls (60:16)
New Year with Rachel Jessop (50:48)
Dream Board (51:38)
High Expectations are Dangerous (69:57)
Special Guest Tera Fauver (74:23)
Why have horses? (51:05)
Life's most important lessons (50:00)
Resiliance (65:25)
Get it all out (43:34)
The Fourth "F" (52:14)
Stirrup lenghts and more (56:40)
Inspiration and more (64:35)
Buying a new horse (72:25)
Pre-ride must do list (66:33)
The horse chooses (52:30)
Canter inspiration with Rachel (45:54)
warmup and reset (64:12)
checking in (78:40)
Vet Help (needles) (45:28)
20 mistakes and corrections (37:52)
Jumping Blackberry (53:43)
Recap and more (44:56)
Blackberry at the park (41:42)
Feedback on Leadership (69:56)
Head shy, ear shy (50:04)
Rachel and Rasberry (49:56)
Time to reconnect! lots of valuable information (44:53)
5 steps to liberty (43:46)
Blackberry cantering safely.... finally! (69:51)
Guracha riding with Rachel (50:19)
Check in with the Group (73:43)
Imagine a dream (59:28)
Saddle fitting expert Letitia Glenn (78:32)
Confidence destroyers (64:48)
How to ride a spook (55:08)
Retired and lame horses still need time with you (33:57)
Motivation to ride and checking in with you (51:19)
Linda Parelli (71:22)
Recap after Interview with Linda (58:28)
Spooky Halloween (52:04)
Access the Canter
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